The Summit at Rittenhouse

The Summit Fitness Studio Covid Safety – What to Expect

The Summit Fitness Studio is currently open for in-person sessions, by private appointment only, to limit the number of clients in the studio at any one time in order to allow for social distancing. 

We’ve taken many precautions to ensure your and our staff’s safety at our studio. We’re scheduling appointments so there are no more than four clients in the studio at once, to allow for plenty of room for social distancing and to allow for a better training experience. We’re also ensuring that our personal training clients stay six feet away from other clients at all times. 

Masks are required to be worn at all times by both clients and staff, with no exceptions. We have installed hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the studio, and of course, you can wash your hands with soap and water in our sanitized bathroom. Equipment will be sanitized by staff after each use and the entire facility is disinfected multiple times each day. In addition, we require temperature checks upon arrival. 

These are just a few of the measures we have taken to keep you safe. Below, we’ll get into what exactly you can expect when you come to the studio for your appointment.


Before you arrive

We ask that clients please do not visit the gym if they are feeling unwell in any way. This includes fever, cough, temperature, sickness, dizziness/drowsiness and headaches. If you have been in contact with anyone that has had suspected symptoms of COVID-19, follow the CDC recommended procedures and do not visit the gym. We’re also asking clients to not arrive early to appointments to keep studio capacity as low as possible.


What you should bring

Masks are required to be worn at all times inside the studio and those without masks will not be able to enter the building.

While we do have our own sanitizer stations, you may bring your own if you feel that you’d like to use it. 


When you arrive

Your temperature will be measured upon your entry to the studio. After you’re cleared to enter, please wash your hands with soap and warm water in the hallway bathrooms. Use tissues or paper towels to grab any handles or doorknobs you encounter after washing your hands. 

Once you’ve washed your hands, you can take a seat in the distanced chairs in the hallway and your trainer will come out to greet you. If the chairs are taken, there are more chairs just inside the studio — however, in order to keep studio capacity as low as possible, please do not use those chairs unless the hallway is full.


During your workout

During your workout, you are required to wear a mask at all times and maintain six feet of distance from other clients.

Please pick up equipment yourself when you are able, in order to avoid transmission between you and your trainer.

Your trainer will wipe down your equipment after use.


After your workout

Please make sure that you leave on time and do not stay after your appointment is over, to allow room for those who have appointments after you. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water immediately following your workout, preferably in the hallway bathroom to avoid studio overcrowding. 

If you need to schedule another appointment with your trainer, you can email, text, or call them to set it up. Please do not try to schedule another appointment while still in the studio so we can avoid overcrowding. 

We look forward to seeing you in person and helping you get your pre-COVID body and life back! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback about our safety measures.